Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Myanmar Mass Murder Made in America

January 31, 2017 (Joseph Thomas - NEO) - The Southeast Asian state of Myanmar has recently become the epicentre of an expanding humanitarian crisis. But because the current government of Myanmar is headed by a regime favoured by American and European interests, little attention and even less action has been given to the conflict. 

A January 10, 2017 Guardian article titled, "65,000 Rohingya flee from Myanmar to Bangladesh following crackdown: UN," reports that:
At least 65,000 Rohingya have fled to Bangladesh from Myanmar � a third of them over the past week � since the army launched a crackdown in the north of Rakhine state. 

The figure, released by the UN, marks a sharp escalation in the numbers fleeing a military campaign which rights groups say has been marred by abuses so severe they could amount to crimes against humanity.
The same article claims:
The stories have cast a pall over the young government of Aung San Suu Kyi, with mainly Muslim Malaysia being especially critical. 

Myanmar�s government has said the claims of abuse are fabricated and launched a special commission to investigate the allegations.
However, anyone at all familiar with Myanmar's recent history and the nature of the current government's support base knows that the unfolding tragedy among the Rohingya minority was not only predictable, but with Aung San Suu Kyi coming to power, inevitable.

The fact that Suu Kyi's political party came to power on a decades-long tsunami of US and European cash and political support, despite US-European knowledge of Suu Kyi's supporters harbouring racist, even genocidal intentions toward the Rohingya, makes the West at the very least partially responsible for the current crisis.

The Warning Signs Were There For Years 

The Guardian would also link the violence against the Rohingya to what it calls, "hardline Buddhist monk Wirathu," in the very last paragraph of its article, giving readers little explanation as to just how prominent a role both Wirathu and his saffron-clad followers have played both in bringing Suu Kyi to power and persecuting the Rohingya with genocidal violence.

Such lies of omission are common throughout the Western media indicating a systematic attempt to conceal the true nature of Suu Kyi and her followers. In fact, so contradictory is the image the Western media has built up for Suu Kyi, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, and the reality of her political movement's violence, that many are unable to accept the truth even when evidence finally becomes widely known.

In 2007, the Western media eagerly reported on what it dubbed the "Saffron Revolution," a political protest led by Suu Kyi's political allies, including thousands of monks wearing their saffron-coloured robes.

But these same activist groups, including various monk "associations" have systematically been involved in the persecution of and violence against Myanmar's Rohingya minority.

Occasional articles like the UK Independent's 2012 report titled, "Burma's monks call for Muslim community to be shunned," reveal both Myanmar's "hardline Buddhists" and even activist groups celebrated in the West for "promoting democracy" are involved in persecuting the Rohingya.

The report would state:
Monks who played a vital role in Burma's recent struggle for democracy have been accused of fuelling ethnic tensions in the country by calling on people to shun a Muslim community that has suffered decades of abuse. 

In a move that has shocked many observers, some monks' organisations have issued pamphlets telling people not to associate with the Rohingya community, and have blocked humanitarian assistance from reaching them. One leaflet described the Rohingya as "cruel by nature" and claimed it had "plans to exterminate" other ethnic groups.
The Independent would also admit that:
Ko Ko Gyi, a democracy activist with the 88 Generation Students group and a former political prisoner, said: "The Rohingya are not a Burmese ethnic group. The root cause of the violence� comes from across the border."

It is difficult to discern what then, the Western media means by "democracy activist" when such "activists" openly display racism, bigotry, discrimination, and support a growing conflict that involves both calls for genocide, and violence aimed at carrying out genocide. The 88 Generation Students group has for years repeatedly weighed in on the Rohingya conflict, backing calls to deny them citizenship, voting rights and even basic human rights.

Myanmar's Minister of Information Was Trained by America 

Not only has the US and UK substantially funded and backed Suu Kyi's political party, but ministers within her government have been trained by US-funded programmes, including Myanmar's current Minister of Information Pe Myint.

The Myanmar Times article, "Who�s who: Myanmar�s new cabinet," would provide Pe Myint's background, reporting (our emphasis):
Formerly a doctor with a degree from the Institute of Medicine, U Pe Myint changed careers after 11 years and received training as a journalist at the Indochina Media Memorial Foundation in Bangkok. He then embarked on a career as a writer, penning dozens of novels. He participated in the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa in 1998, and was also editor-in-chief of The People�s Age Journal. He was born in Rakhine State in 1949.
The Indochina Media Memorial Foundation (IMMF) in Bangkok is run by the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Thailand (FCCT), a collection of US and European media representatives. And according to a Wikileaks document titled,  "An Overview of Northern Thailand-Based Burmese Media Orgranizations," the IMMF's funding is revealed (our emphasis):

Other organizations, some with a scope beyond Burma, also add to the educational opportunities for Burmese journalists. The Chiang Mai-based Indochina Media Memorial Foundation, for instance, last year completed training courses for Southeast Asian reporters that included Burmese participants. Major funders for journalism training programs in the region include the NED, Open Society Institute (OSI), and several European governments and charities.
The NED (National Endowment for Democracy) is both funded and directed by the US Congress and the US State Department. In essence, Myanmar's current Minister of Information and the lies his ministry tells on a daily basis, particularly in regards to his government's brutality toward the Rohingya, has been made possible in part by US government funding and support.

The fact that the Western media is still stepping around Suu Kyi and her supporters' role in the violence against the Rohingya, indicates that support is still being provided.

It appears that the plight of the Rohingya will, if anything, only be further exploited to deepen the West's influence over Myanmar's current government. While human rights abuses real or imagined have been used to justify entire wars waged by Western military forces elsewhere, very real abuses in Myanmar are being carefully spun to protect the very government and its support base responsible for carrying them out.

Such transparent hypocrisy exposes Western foreign policy as entirely predicated on opportunism and self-interest rather than any actual principle. Many times, as is the case in Myanmar, such opportunism and self-interest find themselves trampling such principles entirely.

Joseph Thomas is chief editor of Thailand-based geopolitical journal, The New Atlas and contributor to the online magazine �New Eastern Outlook�.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Health benefits of sex and love


Health benefits of sex and love

Besides putting a spring in your step, romance can bring some positive health benefits.
Some scientific studies suggest that a loving relationship, physical touch and sex can bring health benefits such as lower blood pressure. Of course, no relationship can guarantee health and happiness, but cupid's arrow can send you some health boosts.

Sex is good for your heart


Want to get healthy and have fun at the same time? Anything that exercises your heart is good for you, including sex.

Sexual arousal sends the heart rate higher, and the number of beats per minute reaches its peak during orgasm. But as with most exercise, it depends how vigorously you do it. Some studies show that the average peak heart rate at orgasm is the same as during light exercise, such as walking upstairs. That's not enough to keep most people fit and healthy.

It's recommended adults do at least 150 minutes (two-and-a-half hours) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, such as cycling or fast walking, every week.

Unless you're lucky enough to have 150 minutes of orgasms a week, try cycling, brisk walking or dancing.

Embracing someone special can lower blood pressure, according to researchers.

Having heart disease doesn't have to hold you back in the bedroom. Experts advise that you can usually have sex as long as you can do the everyday activities that have the same impact on your heart without causing chest pain, such as walking up two flights of stairs.

A hug keeps tension away


Embracing someone special can lower blood pressure, according to researchers. In one experiment, couples who held each other's hands for 10 minutes followed by a 20-second hug had healthier reactions to subsequent stress, such as public speaking. Compared to couples who rested quietly without touching, the huggers had:
  • lower heart rate 
  • lower blood pressure
  • smaller heart rate increases.
So give your partner a hug - it may help to keep your blood pressure healthy.

Sex can be a stress buster


Workload too high? Hot and bothered after the morning commute to work? Sex could help you beat the stresses of 21st century living, according to a small study of 46 men and women.
Participants kept a diary of sexual activity, recording penetrative sex, non-penetrative sex and masturbation. In stress tests, including public speaking and doing mental arithmetic out loud, the people who had no sex at all had the highest stress levels. People who only had penetrative sex had the smallest rise in blood pressure (this shows that they coped better with stress).
Plenty of people find that intimacy or orgasm without penetration helps them feel relaxed, as does exercise or meditation. It doesn't have to be penetrative sex; it's whatever works for you.

Weekly sex might help fend off illness


There's a link between how often you have sex and how strong your immune system is, researchers say. A study in Pennsylvania found that students who had sex once or twice a week had higher levels of an important illness-fighting substance in their bodies. Immunoglobulin A (IgA) was 30% higher in those who had sex once or twice a week than in those who had no sex at all. However, the lowest levels were in people who had sex more than twice a week.
But don't feel the need to start your sex calendar just yet, although initial studies are positive; more research is needed before it can be proved that weekly sex helps your immune system.
Another study found that stroking a dog resulted in raised IgA levels in students (resting quietly or stroking a stuffed dog didn't).

People who have sex feel healthier


It could be that people who feel healthier have more sex. But there seems to be a link between sexual activity and your sense of wellbeing. A study of 3,000 Americans aged 57-85 showed that those who were having sex rated their general health higher than those who weren't.
And it's not just sex, it's love too. People who were in a close relationship or married were more likely to say they felt in 'very good' or 'excellent' health than just 'good' or 'poor'. It seems that emotional and social support can boost our sense of wellbeing.

Loving support reduces risk of angina and ulcer


A happy marriage can help to fend off angina and stomach ulcer – at least it can if you're a man.
One study of 10,000 men found that those who felt 'loved and supported' by their spouse had a reduced risk of angina. This was the case even if they had other risk factors, such as being older or having raised blood pressure.
Similarly, a study of 8,000 men found there was more chance of them getting a duodenal ulcer if they:
  • had family problems 
  • didn't feel loved and supported by their wife
  • didn't retaliate when hurt by colleagues. (In other words, they repressed their anger. Researchers called this their 'coping style'.)
Researchers suggest that stress, lack of social support and coping style can affect a man's likelihood of developing an ulcer.

And if you're single


Spending an evening with friends is good for your health too.
One 10-year study of 1,500 people over 70 years old found that those with stronger friendship networks lived longer than those with fewer friends. Researchers thought this could be due to friends having a positive influence on lifestyle choices, such as smoking or exercise, and offering emotional support.

Or celibate.


A life without sex is no bar to excellent health. A long-term study into the health and ageing of a group of nearly 700 older nuns found that many are keeping active and well into their 90s and past 100.
Since 1986, participants in The Nun Study have had yearly checks on their physical and mental abilities. Researchers have used convent records to obtain their social, family and educational background. While they've found some links between lifestyle and dementia (for example, higher education or positive emotions in early life might cut the risk of dementia), this isn't linked to sexual activity.








What's Really Behind the Rise of the Cashless Economy?

January 29, 2017 (Tony Cartalucci - LocalOrg) - Geopolitical analyst, journalist, and activist James Corbett of the Corbett Report steps viewers through the real story behind India's recent, massive demonetization efforts - the story untold by prominent news agencies - and untold for a very good reason.

Corbett reveals the US develop agency USAID's role in preparing India for its demonetization campaign, as well as the special interests both within and beyond India's borders driving the efforts. 

India's financial and economic shake up is a warning shot for the world - that the battle of financial technology to either liberate us all through decentralized peer-to-peer blockchain currencies, or render us under a centralized, global financial control grid ruled by a small circle of corporate-financier special interests is coming to a head.

For those to whom cryptocurrencies like BitCoin is a hobby, what has just transpired in India may provide the impetus to expand efforts to perfect and proliferate blockchain technology before cashless payment systems take over and displace all forms of currency, old and new.

For those who have yet to dig into cryptocurrencies or the details behind the emerging cashless global economy, Corbett's latest video is the perfect springboard into both.

LocalOrg seeks to explore local solutions to global problems by empowering people locally with education and technology to not only survive, but to thrive. 

Trump Skips Saudis in "Anti-Terror" Sweep

January 29, 2017 (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - The Washington Post in its recent article, "Trump orders ISIS plan, talks with Putin and gives Bannon national security role," attempts to portray US President Donald Trump's recent moves as "anti-terror" in nature.

In particular, the Washington Post states:
President Trump on Saturday ordered the Pentagon to devise a strategy to defeat the Islamic State and restructured the National Security Council to include his controversial top political adviser as he forged a partnership with Russian President Vladi�mir Putin in their first official phone call.
While the Washington Post attempts to further divide and distract Americans with implications of a pro-Russian stance by the new US administration, the paper skips past crucial aspects of President Trump's "ISIS plan."

The Post continues, stating:
Even prior to the memo, military officials had been at work developing potential actions for Trump and Defense Secretary James Mattis to consider. Those include potentially deploying additional advisers to Iraq and Syria, allowing U.S. military personnel to accompany local forces closer to the front lines, and delegating greater decision-making power to field commanders.
However, fighting terrorists downstream from their state sponsors is a losing battle. In US commander of US Forces Afghanistan General John Nicholson�s December 2016 briefing on the continued US occupation of Afghanistan, he repeatedly noted the difficulties of defeating militants in the Central Asian state due to support and safe havens they enjoyed in neighboring states, including Pakistan.

General Nicholson, of course, was referring to the Taliban, not Al Qaeda or the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS). These two terrorist organizations may have networks extending into Pakistan and elsewhere, but by both President Trump's own National Security Adviser Michael Flynn's admission - as revealed in a leaked 2012 Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) memo - and even by Trump's 2016 presidential opponent, Hillary Clinton's acknowledgement in leaked e-mails - Saudi Arabia and Qatar are the premier state sponsors of these two notorious terrorist networks - since their inception.

It should also be noted that not only did the 2012 DIA memo reveal Saudi Arabia and Qatar as state sponsors seeking the rise of what it at the time called a "Salafist principality," but it also included the United States, Europe, and Turkey as seeking such an adversary with which to "isolate" the Syrian government.

Tough Talk - No Action 

Supporters of President Trump continuously refer concerned analysts to a Twitter exchange Trump had with Saudi businessman and member of the ruling Saud family, Al-Waleed bin Talal. In it, Trump proclaimed:
Dopey Prince @Alwaleed_Talal wants to control our U.S. politicians with daddy�s money. Can�t do it when I get elected. #Trump2016
Yet, now as US president, signing off on multiple, intentionally distracting and controversial executive orders - including one targeting migrants from seven majority Muslim nations the US and Saudi Arabia jointly destroyed over the past 20 years, mention of Saudi Arabia and the role it has played in sponsoring terrorism worldwide is absent.

Like all politicians and every US president before Donald Trump, talk is cheap - used to target and manipulate the weakest minds among any nation's population. Action, however, is more difficult to manifest among deficient and/or dishonest politicians and political parties.

That President Trump is continuing America's partnership in terror with Saudi Arabia should be of no surprise to the public. Trump - even during his presidential campaign last year - surrounded himself with Bush-era Neo-Conservatives and policymakers, corporate-financier elitists, and the right-wing counterparts of the corporate media, including those elements cleverly disguised as "alternative media" such as Breitbart News.

Objective adults weigh words against actions. Across the West, however, both President Trump's opponents and supporters appear mesmerized by his words, and entirely oblivious to both his actions and their implications.

For President Trump's actions to match his words - US military, political, and financial support for the regimes in Riyadh and Doha would by necessity need to end. The exposure and sanctioning of Saudi-Qatari terrorism, including those Western interests who used both nations as proxies to wage war in Syria, Libya, Iraq, and beyond, would also by necessity be required.

The likelihood of President Trump doing any of this is nonexistent. For the public, instead of being pulled into the rhetorical black hole the Western corporate media is intentionally creating, identifying the corporate-financier special interests driving this US-EU-Gulf collaboration, exposing them, then isolating and entirely replacing them must take priority.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

How HIV Kills Immune Cells


How HIV Kills Immune Cells

HIV infects immune cells and kills them, discovered by the scientists at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.  This research suggests that preserving the immune systems of HIV-infected individuals is very important. HIV causes harm to CD4+ cells (infection-fighting human immune cells) through complex processes, such as inserting its genes into cellular DNA.

It has been found that in the integration step, a cellular enzyme called DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) becomes activated. Generally, this enzyme manages the repair of simultaneous breaks in both strands of molecules that comprise DNA.  When HIV integrates its genes into cellular DNA, single-stranded breaks occur, where viral and cellular DNA meets.

Scientists discovered DNA activates DNA-PK when attacked by HIV. DNA-PK performs an unusually destructive role, eliciting a signal that causes the CD4+ T cell to die. The cells that die are the very ones mobilized to fight the infection.

Scientists believe that these new researches suggest that it is better to treat HIV-infected individuals with drugs. These drugs help in blocking the early steps of viral replication-up to and including activation of DNA-PK. The medications also can prevent viral replication and may improve CD4+ T cell survival and immune function.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Things to know about sex after delivery


Things to know about sex after delivery

Most couples resume their sex life within a month after delivery. While some take two to three months to come back to their normal sex life. Below mentioned is list of ten things that one must know about sex after delivery. Post-delivery women need some time to come back to their normal self, both on emotional and physical front. Most of the women are worried about their body-image after pregnancy. New mothers may feel reluctant and not interested in sex due to various reasons. The possible reasons can be soreness due to stitches or surgery and sensitive perineal area. It does make sense to let the wound heal before you have intercourse.

Sex after delivery is often interrupted by baby’s fuss. When you are really getting into the mood your baby may need you and start crying. Take care of your baby and leave your love for the next time. Sex after delivery can be uncomfortable for some women. Psychological factors are the main hurdle faced by such women. Their state of mind influence the nervous system and effect lubricate produced in aroused state. Delivery not only effect mother. Even some men lose interest in sex after having a baby. This is because he witnessed your harrowing and labour room scene. However, this doesn’t last for long.

Production of vaginal lubricant greatly depends on the oestrogen level in body. Post delivery the oestrogen level stays low, especially if mother is breast feeding. Therefore, during sex woman may become sexually aroused but her vagina will not be naturally lubricated. As a result sex becomes uncomfortable.

A good water based lubricant is helpful in sex after delivery. Use good amount of lubricant till your hormonal level settles down and everything comes back to normal. An important thing to know about sex after delivery is that sex drive of women significantly drops down. Initially your libido may fall down and you never want to have sex. But the good news is that it is only a temporary phase.

Medications can cause vaginal dryness. If you are on treatment for urinary tract infection, and taking tamoxifen and anti-histamine/oral nasal sprays then you are more likely to experience vaginal dryness. They directly affect mucus production by effecting mucus membranes.

Sex after delivery is affected by the new schedule of women. Taking care of baby for 24 hours leaves you emotionally and physically exhausted.

Food colours and hyperactivity


Food colours and hyperactivity




If your child shows signs of hyperactivity or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), eliminating some colours from their diet might have beneficial effects on their behaviour.

These colours include:

  •     sunset yellow (E110)
  •     quinoline yellow (E104)
  •     carmoisine (E122)
  •     allura red (E129)
  •     tartrazine (E102)
  •     ponceau 4R (E124)

These colours are used in a number of foods, including soft drinks, sweets, cakes and ice cream.

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has published a list of manufacturers with food ranges free from the six colours.

What are E numbers?

All food additives, whether natural or artificial, must go through a rigorous safety assessment and approval procedure, and must comply with European Union (EU) legislation. They're only allowed to be used if experts decide they're necessary and safe.

If a food additive has an E number, this shows it's passed safety tests and has been approved for use throughout the EU.

If colours are used in food they must be declared in the list of ingredients as 'colour', with either their name or E number.

If any of the six colours listed above are in food or drink, the food label must also have a specific warning saying that the colour 'may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children'.

You can avoid certain additives by checking the label. If you buy foods without packaging, you'll need to check with the manufacturer or the person selling the product.

The advice about food additives and hyperactivity was issued after being evaluated by the independent Committee on Toxicity and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) following research commissioned by the FSA.

The FSA is encouraging manufacturers to work towards finding alternatives to these food colours. Some manufacturers and retailers have already taken action to remove them. The FSA website has more information about where to find products free from the colours associated with hyperactivity.

You should also be aware that certain additives, such as sulphites, can cause allergic reactions.

The difference between hyperactivity and ADHD

In the context of this advice, hyperactivity is when a child is overactive, can't concentrate and acts on sudden impulses without thinking about alternatives.

Experts think hyperactivity affects 2-5% of children in the UK. There's no single test for diagnosing it.

It's important to remember that hyperactivity is also associated with factors other than additives, including premature birth, genetics and upbringing.

ADHD is more than just hyperactive behaviour. It's linked to a specific pattern of behaviour, including reduced attention span and difficulty concentrating, to the extent that the child’s ability to learn and function at home and school is affected. Children with ADHD often have learning difficulties and behavioural problems.

The Trump-Media Circus and Continuity of Agenda

January 12, 2017 (Ulson Gunnar - NEO) - As the US media expertly divides the American public into pro and anti-Trump camps over cartoonish, unfounded personal accusations aimed at President-elect Donald Trump, Trump's nominee for US Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson confirmed before the US Congress that hostilities and agitation toward both Moscow and Beijing will only expand over the next 4-8 years.

The Business Insider in an article titled, "CNN distances itself from BuzzFeed, says Trump is using the website 'to deflect from CNN's reporting'," outlined the recent rash of accusations and the political fallout in their wake, stating:
CNN distanced itself from BuzzFeed on Wednesday after the digital news outlet published a document that contained unverified claims about President-elect Donald Trump's campaign conduct and personal life.
CNN's decision is based on the fact that nothing it or BuzzFeed reported is actually substantiated with fact, with the Business Insider admitting:
"We [CNN] made it clear that we were not publishing any of the details of the 35-page document because we have not corroborated the report's allegations," the statement continued.
The fallout following the oafish, elementary lies spread by BuzzFeed, CNN, and others, represents rhetorical bait irresistible not only to Trump supporters, but to anyone with a conscience who opposes the systemic abuse that persists across the Western media. However, bait this irresistible is laid out for a purpose.

As the Public Squabbles, Continuity of Agenda Marches On

Were headlines not consumed by the crass allegations pushed across the Western media aimed at Trump, and the rhetorical backlash that predictably followed, the American public might be consumed instead by the fact that Trump's nominee for US Secretary of State just confirmed that quite literally nothing is going to change as Trump takes office in regards to US foreign policy.

Reuters, in an article titled, "Trump secretary of state nominee: China should be denied access to South China Sea islands," reports that:
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's nominee for secretary of state set a course for a potentially serious confrontation with Beijing on Wednesday, saying China should be denied access to islands it has built in the contested South China Sea. 

In comments expected to enrage Beijing, Rex Tillerson told his confirmation hearing before the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee that China's building of islands and putting military assets on those islands was "akin to Russia�s taking Crimea� from Ukraine.
In Tillerson's comments, it's revealed that not only will the United States continue meddling across Asia and provoking conflict with China, just as was done under US President Barack Obama's 8-year administration, but that, in Tillerson's view, Russia was unjustified in its intervention in Crimea in the wake of a US-NATO backed Neo-Nazi-led coup in Kiev, Ukraine.

Tillerson would explicitly claim:
We�re going to have to send China a clear signal that, first, the island-building stops and, second, your access to those islands also is not going to be allowed.
Nothing, short of war, will backup Tillerson's statements about a sea literally an ocean away from US shores. His statements also absolutely contradict the non-interventionism many Trump supporters believed would unfold upon his taking office.

How the US Presidency Really Works 
Imagine the United States is a corporation. It thus has a board of directors (Wall Street). It has a CEO (the US President). The candidates for CEO and the CEO are all chosen by the board of directors merely under the guise of "democratic elections." The CEO then implements the desires of the unelected board of directors, serving also as a spokesperson for the board and a representative of the board's overarching agenda.

This explains how, over the past 16 years from US President George Bush Jr. to now President-elect Donald Trump, singular agendas, including unending war in Iraq and Afghanistan, still rage and expanding confrontations with Russia, China, and Iran continue unabated regardless of who is president, and regardless of the alleged principles, political ideals, and campaign promises they respectively represented.

Rhetorically and ideologically, Presidents Bush Jr. and Obama could not have been any more diametrically opposed, yet the continuity of agenda from one 8-year administration to the other was almost seamless. Upon closer examination of the actual corporate-financier interests underpinning both presidencies' policies, we find the same profiteering special interests and their agendas at play; from big-defense and big-auto to big-oil and mega-finance. From big-pharma to big-ag, and all of these industries sponsoring the same circle of "policy experts" within the halls of corporate-financier funded "think tanks."

The presidency of Donald Trump will be no different. There is nothing about either Trump or those he has surrounded himself with that makes him any more "independent" from the defacto "board of directors" that runs corporate America than the administrations of Bush or Obama.

To distract the American public from this fact, and to lump at least some of the public behind President-elect Trump, they have orchestrated a media campaign so crass and despicable, few can resist (even just on principle alone) from responding to and thus becoming consumed and distracted by this expanding media circus.

On the other side of this circus, however, is an America even more deeply and dangerously involved in provoking global conflict and the instability and human tragedy that will predictably unfold in its wake.

Ulson Gunnar, a New York-based geopolitical analyst and writer especially for the online magazine �New Eastern Outlook�.

Benefits of Drinking Green Tea


Benefits of Drinking Green Tea

1. Nutritional Support for Health Challenges

While not a remain solitary cure by any methods, thinks about have indicated green tea can possibly battle many types of disease. One lab concentrate done at the McGill University in Montreal found that the cell reinforcements in green tea could effectively contract prostate tumors in mice. [1] Another meta-investigation of information observed that high green tea utilization could bring down lung tumor chance by up to 18%. [2]

Chinese reviews have even demonstrated a connection between green tea utilization and brought down odds of stomach, pancreatic, esophageal, prostate and colorectal disease. This is certainly an energizing to begin for more research to come.

2. Promotes Heart Health

Possibly because of its capacity to lower blood cholesterol, green tea has been appeared to help the body in its capacity to blaze off hurtful types of fat, keeping them from laying stagnant in the circulation system. Vast scale concentrates done on green tea have related it with long haul coronary illness counteractive action. A Japanese trial found that drinking no less than some green tea every day could bring down the seriousness of coronary illness in men. [3]

3. Antioxidants

Green tea is stacked with cell reinforcements. These free-radical battling substances increment the body's capacity to avoid sickness and back off the degenerative procedures of maturing. Green tea contains cell reinforcements called catechins [4] and polyphenols, types of cell reinforcements known to stop the reaction connected with harmed DNA, elevated cholesterol, and much malignancy. These cancer prevention agents go about as dilators on our veins, enhancing their flexibility and diminishing the possibility of stopping up. Besides, green tea experiences almost no preparing, permitting the regular cancer prevention agents to stay in place and thought.

4. Weight reduction Aid and Metabolism Booster

Green tea remove has been appeared to be successful in both the counteractive action and diminishment of weight pick up. One review found that green tea's fat oxidation properties helped members in weight reduction over a time of three months. A Japanese review found that members utilizing green tea concentrates were most effectively ready to get more fit, lower circulatory strain levels and dispose of destructive LDL cholesterol. Clinical reviews recommend that green tea's polyphenols make a fat-blazing impact in the body, and also increment digestion system. In any case, and this is a major at the same time, some exploration has demonstrated that green tea concentrate may offer a lot of something to be thankful for to the point it can contrarily influence liver wellbeing. In spite of the fact that we can't discuss the advantages of green tea without saying green tea concentrate and weight reduction, we additionally can't say that without the admonition against green tea extricate.

5. Supports Digestion

Green tea is a notable stomach related stimulant. It decreases intestinal gas and may even offer support for stomach related disarranges, for example, Crohn's sickness and ulcerative colitis, the two sorts of IBD.

6. Encourages Normal Blood Sugar

Green tea has been utilized as a part of customary drug to keep glucose levels balanced out. This might be because of the way that it manages glucose in the body. [5]

7. Support for Arthritis

Examines demonstrate that green tea neutralizes the reaction ordinarily connected with sicknesses like joint pain. It does this by moderating the irritation reaction and additionally the breakdown of ligament in joint people.

8. Helps the Immune System

Green tea may go about as a general resistant supporter. Chemicals in green tea have been utilized to advance great wellbeing in such a variety of ways. A few reviews on research center creatures even show promising proof that green tea can moderate the maturing procedure and even keep us alive longer!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Fast Wieght Loss Tips & Tricks


Fast Wieght Loss Tips & Tricks

These days everyone including men, women, young and old alike, want to lose weight and they want results now. Although the healthiest way to lose weight may be to take things slow and naturally, such as traditional exercise 3-5 days a week, a healthy diet put together by a doctor, nutritionist or another professional. Yet there are still some people that step outside of the lines of traditional weight loss by trying fad diets, starvation, extreme exercise routines that are too hard on the body, and things that can end up doing more harm than good. Some people even go as far as to pay thousands of dollars to have surgery even though the risks associated with this method of weight loss have proven to be dangerous. Despite the risks, there are safer methods of achieving quicker weight loss. Here are some tips and tricks that you can use, that when done safely, may help you to weight faster:

1. Eat 4-5 Small Meals Per Day - Eating many small meals per day can safely increase your metabolism and encourage your body to burn fat quicker without having to starve your body. In fact, eating multiple times daily, you may even find yourself more satisfied and fulfilled than before you went on the diet. Your meals can consist of almost any healthy foods: raw or cooked vegetables, fruit, chicken, beef, as long the portions are small (about the size of your fist) for each meal. Make a schedule for yourself on paper, of what you will eat for that day, the times you will eat, even pre-make your meals! That will make it easier to stick to.

2. Exercise Lightly but Don't Over-do It - Exercise for a few minutes daily to help your body burn more fat and calories. Tip: If you dont like to exercise, at least do so right before bed time to help get rid of accumulated calories from that day. Also, if you prefer, work on only your target body areas (example - your abs) for now. Then when the results start to show, you'll be more determined to get the rest of your body looking great.

3. Take Vitamins and Supplements - Take Vitamins and Supplements that are specifically meant to aid in weight loss. They will help keep your body healthy and nourished throughout the weight loss process.

4. Keep a Diary - Keep a notebook, journal, even a piece of paper with the dates, times, foods that you ate and when, exercise, any weight that you have lost, etc. so that you can keep close track of your progress.

5. Visualize Your Goal Body - See yourself at your goal weight in as many ways as possible. For example, find old pictures from when you were thinner. Save pictures of people who have the exact body that you want. Get creative and pull from different sources of inspiration.

6. Give Yourself Incentives - Set a date to go out to a movie, treat yourself to a dinner, buy that new outfit you've had your eye on for the past week, or spoil yourself, after you have lost weight and met your goal. Just be sure to try and maintain your new weight.

Food Additives and E numbers


Food Additives and E numbers

Food additives are ingredients added to foods for various reasons - for example, to make them last longer.
An E number is a reference number given to food additives that have passed safety tests and have been approved for use throughout the European Union (EU).

Common food additives

You’re most likely to see the following types of additives on food labels:
  • Antioxidants stop food going off or changing colour, including foods prepared with fats or oils (such as meat pies or mayonnaise), bakery products, soup mixes and sauces.
  • Colours are used to make food more attractive. They can be natural in origin, such as curcumin (E100), which is a yellow extract of turmeric roots, or artificial, such as tartrazine (E102).
  • Emulsifiers, stabilisers, gelling agents and thickeners prevent foods from separating and give food body and texture. For example, pectin (E440) is the most common gelling agent and is used in jam.
  • Flavour enhancers bring out the flavour in foods without adding their own flavour. For example, monosodium glutamate (E621) or MSG is used in processed foods such as soups and sauces.
  • Preservatives keep food safe to eat for longer. For example, nitrite and nitrate (E249 to E252) are used in bacon, ham, corned beef and other cured meats, to stop bacteria from growing.
  • Sweeteners are used with or instead of sugar to make food taste sweet. Examples include aspartame (E951), saccharin (E954) and sorbitol (E420).

Additives and food labels

According to EU legislation, food additives must be shown clearly in the list of ingredients on food labels, either by the additive’s name or E number.

Is Always Condoms are GOOD to USE?


Is Always Condoms are GOOD to USE?

  • A few men grumble that they can't keep an erection subsequent to putting on a condom. Such sort of distress is generally experienced typical thickness condoms. More slender condoms ought to be attempted, which likewise give same assurance.

  • Putting on condom is viewed as a spoilsport, as temperament gets demolished and erection is not the same. It breaks the succession of sexual movement occasions by intruding on foreplay and sex.

  • Male condoms can slip off or break if utilized inaccurately.

  • Hypersensitivity to latex is another advance against utilization of a condom. Individuals delicate to the chemicals in latex condoms must utilize condoms made of polyurethane. Besides, oil-based greases (hypoallergenic condoms, for example, body oils or salves, ought to never be utilized with latex condoms as oil can break down the latex inside minutes, and making harm a condom.

  • When utilizing a female condom, you must be additional cautious. Guarantee that infiltration is inside a condom, not down the sides between the condom and vagina.

  • Condoms increment contact, and now and then in charge of a lot of grating. An excessive amount of grinding makes it hard to infiltrate easily.

  • Exchanging between brands or sorts offer distinctive sensations. On the off chance that you do it all the more frequently, a condom may get to be reason of not having a pleasurable sexual action.

  • A condom may advance safe sex and secure you against sexually transmitted illnesses (STD's) and undesirable pregnancy, however its single utilize is a burden. Keep in mind that every condom ought to just be utilized once.

  • Men with erectile brokenness issue may have a troublesome time while putting on a condom. Intrusion of sexual act makes it hard to manage the erection.

Top 10 Female Erogenous Zones


Top 10 Female Erogenous Zones

As interest is a piece of our hereditary cosmetics, most men stay inquisitive with respect to what turns a lady on. What spot would we be able to touch to make her completely insane? Well men of their word, today's your day of reckoning since I have the main 10 answers.

Though it wouldn't take a scientific genius to find men's erogenous zones (the penis, the gonads and the rear-end), ladies get stirred through exceptionally various body parts. Ok ladies, what an impeccable species!

Beat 10 tantalizers:

How about we begin on our trip through a lady's body, might we?

10. Internal Thighs

Within the thighs are profoundly delicate to touching, stroking and licking. Much the same as the back of the knees, internal thighs additionally have many nerve endings, consequently when you pet them, you will turn her on like there's no tomorrow.

Keep in mind not to chomp on the grounds that the range is extremely delicate and doing as such would just aim her gentle agony, which will, thusly, cause you a lot of torment.

9. Behind the Knees

In view of all the nerve endings behind the knees, you'd be amazed at how insane a lady can get to be the point at which you tenderly lick or snack on the back of her knees.

Be mindful so as not to try too hard — the region, all things considered, is exceptionally delicate and you should be mindful so as not to make the sensation irritating by getting too unpleasant or stimulating her excessively.

8. Buttocks

Yes, it's valid. Bunches of ladies like it when you play around with their behinds. A ton of ladies like gentle beating and crushing of the rear end. Be that as it may, there's additional...

A few ladies like having their butts licked, sucked and entered (with fingers, penis or both). For the individuals who shiver at the possibility of staying their tongues out at Uranus , I'm certain that butt-centric infiltration, then again, sounds very welcoming, huh?

7. Nape of the Neck

Simply breathing on this a portion of her body will give her the shivers everywhere. So simply envision her response when you utilize your tongue or teeth to get her excited.

Utilize your hands as well; lift her hair up delicately as you convey your mouth nearer to her neck. At that point, as you sink your teeth into it, pull on her hair somewhat in order to give that "I need you sooo terrible" impression.

This part of a lady's body is likewise a decent place to begin giving her that arousing rub you are well known for and no lady can stand up to.

6. Ears

Numerous ladies appreciate having their ears licked, sucked or kissed. In spite of the fact that blowing in her ear is satisfactory, it's not what ladies appreciate most. Other than the previously mentioned things that they like having done to their ears, ladies like it when you whisper in their ears.

5. Feet

Numerous ladies appreciate having their feet touched, rubbed and some even appreciate having them licked and sucked. Accepting that their feet have been appropriately scrubbed, ladies appreciate it when their men invest energy stroking their soles, toes and lower legs. Since these zones can all be sensitive, the impression of sensitivity can be lovely for the beneficiary.

While a few men wince at the possibility of wrapping their mouths around a body part that spends the majority of its day sweating in calfskin, many folks are quite enthused about giving their ladies a decent toe lashing occasionally.

4. Wrists

This may come as a stun to most folks (ladies have wrists??!?), yet ladies cherish having their wrists snuggled and snacked by their partners. Whenever you're getting into the foreplay of things with your lady, start kissing and touching her wrists and simply look at how inspired and turned on she'll get to be!

3. Breasts (Nipples)

As I'm certain is nothing unexpected to anybody, the bosoms are sexually touchy and delicate stroking, crushing, touching, licking and sucking of the areolas can be to a great degree stimulating.

Similarly too, numerous ladies like it when their folks get somewhat unpleasant with their little mountains , so discover how she enjoys it and offer it to her the way she needs!

2. Vagina/Clitoris
The clitoris can be empowered by utilizing the tongue, the finger or, for the multi-capable Joe, both at the same time. A few ladies jump at the chance to manage their significant others with regards to the particular measure of weight they appreciate.

For the individuals who don't get that extravagance, it's typically very clear regardless of whether she's satisfied with your execution. On the off chance that she starts getting squirmy, ensure that this is on account of she's appreciating it and not on the grounds that you're giving her that "irritating" feeling.

In the vagina, the G-spot might be somewhat hard to find, however a few ladies discover the hunt very advantageous. There is a territory inside a few ladies' vaginas that produces exceptional sexual sentiments when animated. Once found, extremely delicate incitement gives an amazingly lovely and uncommon sensation.

What's more, the main female erogenous zone...

1. Lips

Yes, it's valid. On the off chance that you know how to control her lips without flaw through kissing, licking, sucking and gnawing, it is exceptionally conceivable that a kiss will prompt to significantly more than that. Utilize your lips, your tongue and your teeth to play with her top and base lip and kiss her with total energy.

4 Things Every Female Virgin Should Know


4 Things Every Female Virgin Should Know 

1.) It Feels better without a Condom

You already know, human beings actually get on their excessive horse when it comes to using condoms. Here's the aspect: you realize those PSAs or HBO households in crisis movies approximately the significance of safe intercourse? And there's continually a man who is like slimy and tries to candy-communicate his girlfriend into having sex with out a condom because "it feels better." nicely, he is right. It completely does sense better. I understand, realize! Condoms are important for lots motives and also you should wear them. but for me, it feels way greater herbal without one and i'm lots much less possibly to get a UTI. And if he re-u.s.a.and is able to fuck you again, and you guys undergo with foreplay again, it does not taste as gross whilst you move down on him.

2.) location, place, vicinity

Your pussy is top real property. in case your body were a Monopoly board, your clit and vadge might be Boardwalk. plenty of guys do not know what the hell they are doing, and sometimes they just poke their dick round blindly. make certain you manual them to the the front hole, 'reason If he accidentally jams it on your butt or your taint, and you're now not equipped for it, you are now not gonna just like the way it feels.

3.) Lube, Lube, Lube

that is seriously the maximum essential thing for D in the V. (Or B...but no butts but, I said!) ideally, you want to be so became on that your vadge is naturally moist, however that might not happen the primary few times, for some thing motive (anxiousness, worry, and so forth.) So just make certain you've got a group of lube on hand. however, if you purchased plenty of bottled lube down there, you should not strive doggy style, because all that stuff will get on your pee hole and it's going to provide you with the mother of all UTIs

4.) Tampons Will match higher After

No funny story. They definitely will. i was in no way able to get tampons up there earlier than I misplaced my virginity, possibly because i used to be too anxious on every occasion I tried. however the weekend once I did it for the primary time (and the second one, and third, and fourth, and so on), I decided to attempt to insert a slender/regular, despite the fact that I did not have my duration. no longer almost as a lot resistance and i was able to get the whole factor up there.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Brazil Tile Moulded Bandeau Bikini Strappy Brief

Brazil Tile Moulded Bandeau Bikini Strappy Brief

China is Building a Navy to Displace, Not Defeat the US in Asia

January 24, 2017 (Joseph Thomas - NEO) - In many ways, China's socioeconomic and military influence in Asia has already balanced a long-lopsided equation of geopolitical power in the region. The social and economic stability brought by the rise of China along with the rest of Asia has helped eliminate many of the "dark alleys" the US and its European allies have often used to create division, destruction and opportunities to then intervene, even overturn entire governments.

China's naval ambitions in particular have been disparaged by Western political and military analysts who believe (correctly) China's growing naval capabilities will never be on par with the United States' global-spanning naval forces.

But that is precisely the point.

China's naval capabilities are not meant to take and hold global hegemony by defeating the United States as a nation, but rather in displacing the United States as a regional hegemon in Asia where the US presence and its decades of influence have chaffed at, and at times trampled, Westphalian sovereignty.

Western analysts have pointed out that China's blue ocean naval capabilities fall far behind America's, and that it will be many years if and when China is able to compete on equal terms. For instance, analysts point out China's single operational aircraft carrier, Liaoning, faces America's 10 aircraft carriers.

However, if China's ambitions are not to overwhelm or compete with America's global fleet, and merely deter and ultimately displace America's presence in Asia Pacific, its current fleet is already adequate.  Analysts point out that when China's naval assets are operated near Chinese shores, land-based weapon systems including land-based aircraft significantly tip the balance of military power in Beijing's favour.

China's decision to establish what are essentially unsinkable aircraft carriers in the South China Sea amid its island-building frenzy have angered waning Western hegemons specifically for this same reason. From these islands, should China choose or be forced to, military power can be exerted against Western naval assets in ways even the West's formidable military would struggle to counter.

And while analysts, politicians and demagogues alike attempt to accuse China of building up its forces in what will result in full-scale war between Beijing and the West, the reality is that war will only unfold if the West fails to gracefully concede the end of its "age of empires," and its unwarranted influence it has maintained quite literally an ocean away from its shores, in Asia Pacific.

Beyond America's waning military presence in the region, many of what Washington has called its "allies" have recently shown signs of shifting economically and even militarily toward Beijing. This is the result of not China's growing military might, but its expanding economic influence, as well as its differing style of diplomacy relative to Washington's.

China brings its neighbours trains and other infrastructure and investment opportunities, the US brings NGOs and colour revolutions. 
Where the US has pursued a foreign policy in Asia Pacific based on "nation building" either through direct military intervention and occupation, various methods of coercion or through the use of its immense number of nongovernmental organisations used to build parallel institutions within allied nations to then displace existing governments and replace them with more pliant regimes, Beijing has focused more on cutting economic and immense infrastructure deals, regardless of who is in power.

China does not operate media organisations propagating political agitation within neighbouring states as the US does throughout Asia Pacific, nor does it play a role in supporting or opposing political parties in neighbouring states as the US does. In other words, no matter how beneficial a relationship with the US may seem to Asian Pacific states, the spectre of subversion always looms overhead, where with dealings with Beijing, it does not.

It is ironic then, that despite America's military might, it is its own, fundamentally backwards methods of diplomacy, a throwback to European colonialism, that has undone its power and influence in Asia Pacific. But then again, had the US not pursued a foreign policy based on extraterritorial expansion throughout Asia Pacific, it wouldn't need power and influence in Asia Pacific beyond the boundaries of Westphalian sovereignty to begin with.

China's naval forces then, are not intended to sail across the Pacific and project Beijing's influence upon the people of North and South America. It is intended to deter and eventually displace American forces in Asia. In many ways, China's strategy is already working and in time, it will inevitably succeed.

America's presence in Asia Pacific, like all imperial powers before it attempting to project influence thousands of kilometres from their own shores, finds itself in an untenable, unsustainable position. Even without a push, this precarious balancing act must eventually come to an end. China's burgeoning naval fleet, however, will provide a sufficient push to ensure it does sooner than later, and on Beijing's terms.

Joseph Thomas is chief editor of Thailand-based geopolitical journal, The New Atlas and contributor to the online magazine �New Eastern Outlook�.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Marbella Mesh Trim Triangle Bikini

Marbella Mesh Trim Triangle Bikini

Spicy Spot Micro Mini String Bikini with Thong bottom Hot Pink

Spicy Spot Micro Mini String Bikini with Thong bottom Hot Pink

Tikini Beach Bar Girl Kayaking in a See Through Bikini!

Tikini Beach Bar Girl Kayaking in a See Through Bikini!

Good Vibes Triangle Bikini Set

Good Vibes Triangle Bikini Set

Dark Blue High-Neck Bikini Set

Dark Blue High-Neck Bikini Set

BIkini de macram� de Women's Secret

BIkini de macram� de Women's Secret

Bikini wax why we love it

Bikini wax why we love it

France's Self-Inflicted Refugee Crisis

January 22, 2017 (Ulson Gunnar - NEO) - Following rhetoric regarding Europe's refugee crisis, one might assume the refugees, through no fault of Europe's governments, suddenly began appearing by the thousands at Europe's borders. However, this simply is not true.

Before the 2011 wave of US-European engineered uprisings across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) transformed into Western military interventions, geopolitical analysts warned that overthrowing the governments in nations like Libya and Syria, and Western interventions in nations like Mali and the Ivory Coast, would lead to predicable regional chaos that would manifest itself in both expanding terrorism across the European and MENA region, as well as a flood of refugees from destabilized, war-racked nations.

Libya in particular, was singled out as a nation, if destabilized, that would transform into a springboard for refugees not only fleeing chaos in Libya itself, but fleeing a variety of socioeconomic and military threats across the continent. Libya has served for decades as a safe haven for African refugees due to its relative stability and economic prosperity as well as the Libyan government's policy of accepting and integrating African refugees within the Libyan population.

Because of NATO's 2011 military intervention and the disintegration of Libya as a functioning nation state, refugees who would have otherwise settled in Libya are now left with no choice but to continue onward to Europe.

For France in particular, its politics have gravitated around what is essentially a false debate between those welcoming refugees and those opposed to their presence.

Absent from this false debate is any talk of French culpability for its military operations abroad which, along with the actions of the US and other NATO members, directly resulted in the current European refugee crisis.

France claims that its presence across Africa aims at fighting Al Qaeda. According to RAND Corporation commentary titled, "Mali's Persistent Jihadist Problem," it's reported that:
Four years ago, French forces intervened in Mali, successfully averting an al Qaeda-backed thrust toward the capital of Bamako. The French operation went a long way toward reducing the threat that multiple jihadist groups posed to this West Africa nation. The situation in Mali today remains tenuous, however, and the last 18 months have seen a gradual erosion of France's impressive, initial gains.
And of course, a French military presence in Mali will do nothing to stem Al Qaeda's activities if the source of Al Qaeda's weapons and financial support is not addressed. In order to do this, France and its American and European allies would need to isolate and impose serious sanctions on Saudi Arabia and Qatar, two nations who exists as the premier state sponsors of not only Al Qaeda, but a myriad of terrorist organizations sowing chaos worldwide.

Paradoxically, instead of seeking such sanctions, the French government instead sells the Saudi and Qatari governments billions of dollars worth of weaponry, proudly filling in any temporary gaps in the flow of weapons from the West as each nation attempts to posture as "concerned" about Saudi and Qatari human rights abuses and war crimes (and perhaps even state sponsorship of terrorism) only to gradually return to pre-sanction levels after public attention wanes.

The National Interest in an article titled, "France: Saudi Arabia's New Arms Dealer," would note:
France has waged a robust diplomatic engagement with Saudi Arabia for years. In June, Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman visited France to sign deals worth $12 billion, which included $500 million for 23 Airbus H145 helicopters. Saudi and French officials also agreed to pursue feasibility studies to build two nuclear reactors in the kingdom. The remaining money will involve direct investment negotiated between Saudi and French officials.
The article would also note that Saudi Arabia's junior partner in the state sponsorship of global terror, Qatar, would also benefit from French weapon deals:
Hollande�s address was delivered one day after he was in Doha, where he signed a $7 billion deal that included the sale of 24 French Rafale fighter jets to Qatar, along with the training of Qatari intelligence officers.
In order to truly fight terrorism, a nation must deal with it at its very source. Since France is not only ignoring the source of Al Qaeda's military, financial and political strength, but is regularly bolstering it with billions in weapons deals, it is safe to say that whatever reason France is involved across MENA, it is not to "defeat" Al Qaeda.

The refugee crisis that has resulted from the chaos that both Western forces and terrorists funded and armed by the West's closest regional allies, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, is a crisis that is entirely self-inflicted. The rhetoric surrounding the crisis, on both sides, ignoring this fundamental reality, exposes the manufactured and manipulative nature of French government and opposition agendas.

The chaos across MENA is so significant, and terrorism so deeply rooted in both Western and their Arab allies' geopolitical equations that even a complete reversal of this destructive policy will leave years if not decades of social unrest in the wake of the current refugee crisis.

But for anyone genuinely committed to solving this ongoing crisis, they must start with the US, European, and Gulf monarchies' culpability, and resist blaming the refugees or those manipulated into reacting negatively to them. While abuses carried out by refugees or locals are equally intolerable, those responsible for the conflicts and for manipulating both sides of this crisis are equally to blame.

Until that blame is properly and proportionately placed, and the root of the crisis addressed, it will only linger and cause further damage to regional and global security.

Ulson Gunnar, a New York-based geopolitical analyst and writer especially for the online magazine �New Eastern Outlook�.